Your Life Feedback

Tanya Couch from Brampton, Ontario says…

Murray is extremely knowledgeable in the area of people and how they work together. He has coached me personally as well as my husband and I together. His insights have enhanced our understanding of how we function as individuals and how we interact together in terms of where our strengths are and where our areas of potential conflict could arise. Murray is a safe person to talk to and he really does “get it” when we’ve shared our story with him, including the pain and disappointment of the past. Murray’s expertise has shed light on the areas that needed healing and his non-judgmental acceptance of us has allowed us to look at those experiences in a new light and see them for what they are; character building times that God has brought to us for His good purposes. We have so appreciated having Murray as a sounding board in our lives. There is real freedom in sharing your heart with someone who understands.

Bryna Jones,  Director of Communications Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited from Toronto, Ontario says..

Working with Murray was not only a joy, but an answer to prayer. I had been struggling with my career path for some time, and had been praying that God direct me as He see fit. Enter Murray.

Within two or three sessions I was feeling more confident, and had gained a greater depth of understanding about myself, and my purpose in life, than I had ever dreamed possible. With the awareness of my needs, goals and the careers that could suite me, I was able to narrow the field and make a major career change.

A year later, I’ve moved to Toronto to pursue my dream job, I’m in school part time in a brand new field, and my income has increased three-fold. I give Murray all the credit. Without his expert advice and guidance, I wouldn’t have had the confidence to partner with God to create the life I was meant to live.

John Maerzluft -of Toronto, Ontario says…

I attended  a Personality workshop Murray did several years ago but I still refer to the great personal, eye opening experience it was for me and my wife many times over and have unknowingly recommended him to tens and maybe hundreds of people personally. He was thorough and fair and always in control although it was a larger group dynamic. I HIGHLY recommend any one of his career and personal coaching workshops, conferences, or courses. You’ll be encouraged, enlightened, challenged and hopefully changed.